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Peak Mountain 3

Off Route Direct

FA Maison Des Champs 2019
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The first 4 Pitches of this route were definitely climbed by somebody in the past, if anyone knows who please let me know so I can accredit them. Re: the first 4 pitches Follow the route called the wise cracks. This route  has really fun lie backing and complicated roofs as well as a spectacular friction slab pitch which is really safe and well bolted. From the 7th pitch it  follows royal arches route for about 4 pitches then goes directly up the arete through a stellar crack system. You can rappel from the rim to the royal arches rappel route. I used a double rack to #2, 1 #3, and optional but helpful double fours for the 12th pitch. I uploaded all my notes and a hand drawn topo to the photos, i put in a lot of detail that will hopefully be helpful, but if you have anymore questions just message me.

Here is a hand drawn topo ingnore the grades I have changed them all for the most part, and definitely ingnore the 13 variation at the end, that’s next falls project and has yet to be bolted, directional bolts are on top of the arete if you wanna top rope it tho give it a go it’s super sick


to the right of the arches start look in photos for detail


I used a double rack to #2, 1 #3, and optional but helpful double fours for the 12th pitch

2000 km
1000 mi