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Peak Mountain 3


FA Coulter Holden
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sit start on a huge left facing flake.  Work your way right to two good edges, then back left and up through some painful crimps.  Then figure out the beta that allows you to lunge to a good crimp, follow the small ledge right in to the top out of Bubba.  Fun moves, but not the best rock quality.

Variations:  You can start in Bubba and traverse into Jeff when you get to the mini roof.                    You can also start in Jeff and traverse into Bubba when you get to the two good edges. They are both fun but I didn't add them to keep it less contrived and congested.


First route to the left of Bubba.  The start is 8ish feet right of a small cave thing.



Routes in LSC

1000 km
500 mi