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Peak Mountain 3

Split Personality

FA Shannon Twomey
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Be prepared , this route throws everything at you! Finger to off width crack, lie backs, slopers, Criptic Gear and even a mantle top out! Crux? With so much variation every persons crux will be different. This route definitely has a  “Split Personality “! Use your rests wisely, no move harder than 9+ but very sustained. Gear is good, be patient in places it is there.


This route shares the same start as Isolated Recovery which is the obvious right to left diagonaling wide crack that runs through the middle of the formation.  A vertical finger/ hand / off width crack leads to the point where the routes Split. Continue up the right seam and you are on Split Personality


BD Stoppers down to a #4, Green Alien-#4 Cammalot . Bolts chain anchor,

2000 km
1000 mi