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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Again, another very hard line that I don't know the grade of. I'm making up grades to encourage people to try these lines and add some thoughts. Harder than Genetic Control. This is a top-rope, and I have not heard that it has been done without a rope. Start on the sloping triangular rock/ledge (it's 3-4 feet high) about 6 feet to the right of The Real Thing (the roof/crack just right of Genetic Control). Climb a few moves up the face to the lip, reach left over the roof and make some hard pulls up and left towards the bush/brush at the top.


Between The Real Thing, and the warm-ups on the right of the Sizzlefoot face (at the left of Miasma).


Many crash pads, spotters, courage, and power.