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Peak Mountain 3

Diversity Hire

FA Chris Williams, Tom Myhre
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start just to the right of Waves of Pleasure in a shallow right facing corner. Climb moderate fingers through a mini roof to some face moves and a high first bolt just over another mini roof. Check your CV for the right qualifications and pull the second mini roof. More thin gear (stoppers are nice) bring you to another bolted bulge and slim pickings in the applicant pool. Happy dance your way up beautiful and diverse dishes to one last bulge, a .75 is nice here. Finish on easy though occasionally wet slab. Hope you found the right person for the job!


Look for the shallow right facing corner 20 ft downhill from the cave.


7 bolts, gear thin to #2 bd, stoppers are nice! Rap ring anchor.

2000 km
1000 mi