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Peak Mountain 3


FA Scott Ayers & Peter Noebels (1993)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Another line which is out of place at the Druid. Thingfish is short, powerful, and well-bolted. This sequence intensive route features an undercling, pockets, crimps, and edges.

I personally had a wonderful time on this route. After two high, awkward, whipper-inducing reaches I refined my beta with a crimp to sidepull conversion followed by a bump. A fun puzzler for sure.


The left of two bolted lines on the northeast face of The Druid. Thingfish and Crap Weasel are around the corner from the main face and the rest of the routes. Thingfish starts to the right of a pine tree near the rock's prow.

Note: Roman Opposition was never bolted; it is a top rope.


6 bolts to anchors.

2000 km
1000 mi