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Peak Mountain 3

The Interview

FA Tyler Harlow
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


I'm not local, so this may be a climb amongst locals already, but here it is:

Start on a low sidepull and a half-pad crimp on the north east corner of the boulder. Bump out to a better sidepull, then do the crux move to the second spike-shaped hold. Get another left sidepull, go up to a shallow left crimp, then go for the top. The holds are small, but the angles and feet are good. So I'd say V4-5, but again, I'm not local.


It is on the northeast corner of the boulder.


Have a pad for the exposed rock on the ground and maybe a spotter to keep you out of the brush.

Routes in The Boulder (aka Fang Boulder)

2000 km
1000 mi