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Peak Mountain 3

Family Therapy

FA Jeffrey Thomas & Sandy Champagne
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This climb follows a left trending line that traverses to an anchor high on the west face of the Tower of Babel. Begin at the toe of the buttress pulling up into a large hueco by way of a fragile looking flake. Continue up the face on pockets and knobs past three maroon colorized bolt hangers. Move up and left to clip the 4th bolt of "Heart and Sole." Cross the water groove of "Cross Your Heart," clipping its 8th bolt. Continue traversing up and left clipping the 7th bolt of "Texas Two Step." The anchor is above up and to the left.


Begin at the toe of the buttress on the west face of the Temple of Ishtar.


7 bolts & 2 ring Fixe anchor.

2000 km
1000 mi