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Peak Mountain 3

The Thanksgiving Mountainlion

FA Unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is the same as midnight mountain lion, however, I added a solid three moves from a seated position that makes this boulder a fair bit harder. There is a very small toe ledge for your left foot, and a solid ledge just to the right for your right foot. You start with your right hand on the starting right foot position on midnight mountain lion, and your left on an okay hold just to the left. You want to get your left hand where your right hand starts on midnight mountain lion, to do so, I had to crimp the hold above the left hand start, if you can dyno straight over, that's impressive.

Adding these moves makes this boulder much harder than midnight mountain lion, v5 might be a more accurate grading, however, the starting moves are harder than any v5 I have done.


Center line on the Traverse boulder, just start lower than midnight mountain lion.


Just a bouldering pad

1000 km
500 mi