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Peak Mountain 3

Vein of Gold

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Wow this route is good! Climb one of the lower tier climbs to gain a sloping ledge, most climbers choose Checkered Dog (5.9) as it leads directly to the base of the climb. Build an anchor or use the anchor for 'Checkered Dog' traverse back to the left to gain a corner and place some weird gear. climb to the beautiful left arching crack and place some small gear, sack up and climb the delicate moves through the smears and small tips until the gear gets bigger. Climb up and slightly right to a giant flake, several hand size cams will make this easy climbing feel very safe.  There are several bolts in the corner after the arching crack, these are shared with Shot on Sight and all need to be replaced. 


This route is on the second tier on the right side of the Monolith.


Small to medium gear... TCUs in the smaller sizes, purples and even some grays might be nice, there are bolts on this, maybe three all need to be replaced, there are also two anchors, the first is about 5 ft below the rap anchor, these could also be replaced.  

2000 km
1000 mi