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Peak Mountain 3

Roll the Bones

FA J.Cullem, R.Opiela (Oct. 2011)
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a fun, moderate climb, independent of the routes on the main wall, providing a nice alternative when those routes get backed-up.

Climb the left-facing corner/flake using good foot ledges, then pull onto the upper slab/face. Follow the features on the blunt arête (right side of the face) using dishes and knobs, past a wide crack, moving slightly left at the top to good finishing holds and the anchors.

Please do not top rope off the ring anchors, which decreases their lifespan and safety. Instead, place your own draws, and have the last climber in your party thread the rings and rappel (not lower).


This route is located slightly left of (before) the main wall, at the smaller buttress marked by a pile of large blocks at its base.

Approach the base, then trend up and left to an obvious left-facing corner/flake behind a tree. You cannot see the route from the trail.


5 bolts to ring anchors.

Update: There are shiny new anchor bolts about 6 feet above the ring bolts.  Presumeably these are for easy access to top-roping.  

3000 km
2000 mi