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Peak Mountain 3

Way Out're

FA Andy Kluge and Partner(s)?
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route is located about 60 feet right of Daddies are Brave and about 100' right of the wheelchair ramp (aka Out of the Blue). Make some some slightly scary and commiting moves off the ground to get a shallow cam and then a good move higher to a good pink tri-cam and then to a first bolt - getting to the second bolt is easier then do the first of 2 cruxes up and left through a small gear protected roof (5.10) then back right up a ramp to gear and a bolt - the harder (probably) crux is past bolt 3 headed to bolt 4 (contrary to guidebook topo note) - head for chains up and right - the route ends here.


Big Green Mountain 100' tight of wheelchair ramp - we just replaced the first three bolts - bailed from bolt three which is about 80' up - move is a bit scary


Standard / light NC rack plus draws and slings for bolts - you will want a pink tri-cam (for sure) and a small selection of tcus and cams to 1"

2000 km
1000 mi