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Peak Mountain 3

Unexpected Party

FA Chuck Jones, Annie Jones & Mike Varlotta
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Beginning below the large over hanging flake start climbing the bouldery section to a good stance where you'll place a #1 Camalot sized piece in the crack of the flake. This is the crux of the route. Proceed up the face following the path of least resistance to a large ledge covered in blueberry bushes.

Climb the wall at the back side of the ledge up and past the next small ledge (maybe 2 feet wide) and top out over the next short wall to a large ledge with a pine tree.


This is the first route on Chuck Wall. It lays just a few feet past the staging area mentioned in the crag description.

Descent: Look high into the pine tree at the ledge and you'll see a few rap-rings. Rappel off the face to the start of the climb.


Nuts: small to medium, maybe a #11 Cams: #0.3, #0.4 x 1; #0.5-#2 x 2 (Camalot C4 sizes)

2000 km
1000 mi