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MapPrettier After Last Call
Originally started in the left angling crack under a small roof just left of the start of DSD. Scramble up the grass ramp and climb the gardened cracks just left of FO. Do a couple grungy moves to a good #3 or #4 camalot placement. From there head out right using the thin splitter for gear with good hand holds and slabby feet. Scramble up the ledge to a 2 bolt anchor.
The start is on the large grass ledge left of Garden Party Buttress. This is the left most climb on the face with FO and BSB. All three routes were originally done via the same start. However, there is an independent start that should be cleaned up that would help significantly with rope drag.
Thin gear to #3 or #4 camalot 2 Bolt Anchor with rap rings