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Peak Mountain 3

Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene

FA Unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene is a striking sit start hand crack dihedral problem.Sit down in the dirt under the roof and get hands or cupped jams under the roof. Get feet cammed into the roof crack and work jams around the roof. Turn the roof and enjoy the bomber jams for the dihedral section to top out.


Soup Can boulder is very prominent on the approach to Desperate Reality Cliff and is situated downhill and across the runoff creek from most of the DR Boulders.As you’re hiking in you should see the dihedral and corner crack just as the far ridge rises from the narrow runoff valley. Basically this is a few hundred yards straight downhill from Desperate Reality.34.71035808684496, -98.71504701939561


1-2 pads. Roof crack fall is fine with no pads but layback dihedral section could use a pad.

1000 km
1000 mi