Blasted Rock Slab (AKA Boxcar Downclimb)

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The Blasted Rock Slab is a fun change of pace. There is a small diagonal hold at the right-hand side of the Blasted Rock. Start with both hands here and climb the slab to the top out.


At the far right side of the Blasted Rock.

The Blasted Rock in the Boxcar Area: 1. Drifter's Escape (V2), 2. Blasted Rock Crack (V0), 3. Blasted Rock (V1), 3a. Blasted Rock Variation (V0), 3b. Blasted Rock Variation (V0), 4. Blasted Rock Slab (V0), 5. Boxcar Arete (V8)

