HomeUSAAlaskaAnchorage & South Central AlaskaHatcher PassReed Lakes Bouldering and ClimbingMile High WallShield, TheColombia Carl5.10Edit modeFinding the Sean5.11-tradalpineFA Eddie Phay, Joe Y - 2010CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionApproach pitch - Climb up a slightly awkward corner feature that transitions to a face near the anchor. 25 meters, 2 bolt anchorMoney pitch - follow slabby bolts up and left leading to a small roof, the routes crux. Pull the roof with double underclings on a creaky hold and continue to the obvious left facing corner. Wrestle the arete to get established in the corner And finish on a ledge at a 2 bolt anchor. This pitch is Hatcher Pass granite at its finest; sustained techie climbing in a stunning position. 7 bolts drilled on lead, 45 metersLocationnullProtectionSprad, single rack to 3Routes in The Shield1Finding the Sean5.11-Trad · Alpine 2Colombia Carl5.10Trad · Alpine3The S.E.A.N.5.11+Trad · Bouldering · Alpine