HomeUSAAlaskaAnchorage & South Central AlaskaHatcher PassArchangel Valley Sport and Traditional ClimbingFairangel WallsWishboneStan Deazy5.10aWishbone Left5.10-Edit modeThe Rain Game5.8+tradFA Rachel Lowrance, Kelsey GrayCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis route is newish, it starts between Stan Deazy and Wishbone left. The bottom is enjoyable, the + rating is for awkwardness higher on the route. Climb the arete and then meet up with stan deazy for the last bolt.Locationthe arete between Stan Deazy and Wishbone left. Look for a bolt about 15 ft up.Protection5 bolts, Small to Medium Gear, two bolt rap anchorRoutes in Wishbone1Unknown 5.10a5.10aTrad2Stan Deazy5.10aTrad3The Rain Game5.8+Trad 4Wishbone Left5.10-Trad5Wishbone Right?5.11Trad6Broken Head5.12Sport7Sacktapped by a Grigri5.9+Trad8In Record Time5.8Sport9Blades of Glory5.10-Sport10Unknown 5.125.12Tr · Sport11Don't Throw Rocks5.7Tr