HomeUSACaliforniaNortheast CaliforniaCastle CragsIndian Springs CanyonSix Toe Backside5.85.8Parsvakonasana5.10cEdit modeAngle of Inspiration5.10csportFA Julie CamTuCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionOS FA!This rock has some of the most solid granite at CC!LHS of main slab. crux section between 4+5th bolt to reach the overlap. Finish up the arete/ramp or step R and climb the runnel. some 3-4m runouts but safe.ProtectionFix SS double wedge bolts 3.5'x3/8 x 7 to fixe 12mm SS chainRoutes in Six Toe Backside1Indian Magic5.6Trad25.85.8Trad3Angle of Inspiration5.10cSport 4Parsvakonasana5.10cSport5Flakey Fucker5.10dSport