HomeUSAAlaskaAnchorage & South Central AlaskaHatcher PassReed Lakes Bouldering and ClimbingHigh Dive, TheRise5.9Edit modeWanchors Away5.8 RtradFA Lang Van Dommelen, Chris Williams, Summer HoltCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionClimb the rightward trending crack beside a black face, traverse left onto the face when the crack runs out to the wanchor. Not bad climbing, could clean up okay.Location50 feet to the left of RiseProtectionWhat Wanchor? Lower off some gnarly stopper and slung thing. Gear to 1.75 inches. Bring small gear for upper section.Routes in The High Dive1Wanchors Away5.8Trad 2Rise5.9Trad3Killing Aphrodite5.10bTrad4Double Dihedral5.10-Trad5Sprinklers Save Lives5.10+Trad62 Left Shoes5.11+Sport7Coitus Interuptus5.9Sport8Choke the Chicken5.7Trad