HomeUSAAlaskaAnchorage & South Central AlaskaHatcher PassIndependence Mine Bouldering and ClimbingRenaissance WallRetroed Art5.11aCold Day at The Fair5.11-Edit modeRenaissance Man5.11ctradalpineFA Ben Chriswell, Aaron Thrasher, Chris Williams, Brady Deal, Zach ShlosarCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionWith traffic and cleaning this could be better. Start at the Retroed Art anchor look for some bolts climb up the bolts onto a slab. place some gear between bolts then go out the overhang. Be carful not many have done this route and the overhang is a little loose. Do big moves past some bolts. and place some gear to the anchor. Carful of the fist crack before the anchor. Replace the anchor webbing. This climb does not get done much.LocationCenter of the wall start at the Retroed art anchor and climb past some bolts.Protectioncams bd3 boltsRoutes in Renaissance Wall1Warm up with a little fisting5.10aTrad · Alpine2Tavern Time5.8Trad · Alpine3SoCal DJ5.10dSport · Alpine4Science is Sorcery5.11aTrad · Alpine5LARPing on Acid5.11+Trad · Alpine6Retroed Art5.11aTrad · Alpine7Renaissance Man5.11cTrad · Alpine 8Cold Day at The Fair5.11-Trad · Alpine9Walkman and Button Heads5.11aTrad · Alpine10The Jester5.11+Trad · Alpine