HomeUSAUtahSouthwest UtahZion National ParkZion BoulderingDrilled Pocket BoulderDrilled pocket arêteV4-5Drilled Pocket Problem RightV1Edit modeDrilled Pocket ProblemV3boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionSouth face of the boulder. Left of the obvious crack.Start at the first pocket and stay to the left. Stick to the pockets and final ledge on the top left of the boulder. Don't use the crack to the right.LocationSouth face of the drilled pocket boulder.ProtectionPad. Spotter. Its kind of tall.Routes in Drilled Pocket Boulder1West Face LeftV0Bouldering2West Face CenterV1Bouldering3West Face Center-RightV3+Bouldering4Drilled pocket arêteV4-5Bouldering5Drilled Pocket ProblemV3Bouldering 6Drilled Pocket Problem RightV1Bouldering7Drilled Pocket Boulder Crack5.9Bouldering8East Face Center SlabV3-4Bouldering9East Face Center-RightV1Bouldering10East Face RightV0-1Bouldering11East Face Far RightV-easyBouldering